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 Why "Esquire" Real Estate?

In the United States, the term “esquire” is generally used to describe attorneys.  The use of the term “esquire” likely descends from its use by the barristers in England.


Bryan Zuetel, Esquire

Christmas 2023

Bryan Zuetel is a licensed California attorney (State Bar #258836) and California Realtor® real estate broker (License # 01717685) with unique expertise in real estate transactions, real estate finance, and legal matters.  He brings over 15 years of legal experience and over 20 years of real estate experience, which allows Bryan to assist you in navigating the complex maze and mounds of paperwork in the modern California real estate transaction.

Bryan lives in Orange County, in the city of Mission Viejo with his wife Lacey (Real Estate Agent License # 01763529) and their five children. Bryan graduated from University of California - Irvine in 2004 and University of San Diego School of Law in 2008.  Bryan is actively involved in his church and the legal community.